南充美興小額貸款有限責任公司(以下簡稱“南充美興”)成立于2007年9月,是在中國成立的全外資小額貸款公司。南充美興的宗旨是通過為農戶、個體工商戶及小微企業(yè)家提供方便快捷的金融服務,從而改善客戶及其家庭的生活條件。2007 年12月15日,時任世界銀行行長羅伯特? 佐利克先生親臨四川省南充市出席了南充美興的開業(yè)典禮,并為南充美興的成立剪彩致辭。法國美興集團作為南充美興的控股公司,有著豐富的微貸經(jīng)驗。國外微貸理念與近十年的市場實踐經(jīng)驗完美結合,確保了南充美興的持續(xù)發(fā)展,促進了當?shù)亟?jīng)濟,推動了普惠金融建設。
MC NC, based in Sichuan province, is one of the pilot micro-credit companies established via the People’s Bank of China’s initiative to improve rural infrastructure. It is also the first foreign-owned Micro Credit Company in China. Compared with traditional lenders, MC NC’s product is more target to the needs of Chinese micro and small entrepreneurs as well as rural households, delivering faster service through the utilization of simplified procedures.
MicroCred Nanchong is a greenfield microfinance institution (MFI). It proposes a range of products from micro-loans for micro-enterprises to loans for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It targets local entrepreneurs with low-limited access to formal financial services in China. It focuses its activities around the city of Nanchong, in the Sichuan province of China